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All programming times are approximate and subject to change.

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5.00pm to 7.00pm 
James Bennett
Pre-Arrival Drinks and networking
Foxglove Bar & Kitchen, Queens Wharf, Wellington City


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Date/Time    Session   Content
08.30am   Registration & Coffee

Mihi Whakatau | Welcome 

Port Nicholson Block Settlement Trust (Taranaki Whanui)
09.10am   Chair's opening remarks: Rob Baigent, Matihiko/Digital and Communication Manager, Hamilton City Libraries. PLNZ Chair Rob Baigent will welcome delegates and provide an overview of the past year, upcoming challenges and opportunities on the horizon.

Words of Welcome:
Welcome to Wellington | Pōneke

Guest Speaker: Laurinda Thomas, Manager, Libraries and Community Spaces, Wellington City Council

     WAIATA - Te Iwi E  
09.30am   [Sponsorship] Advertorial BOLINDA

Keynote: Te hīkoi tahi |
"Welcome to Sex" & other literary challenges
Guest Speaker: Yumi Stynes,
Author, Podcaster & Rainbow advocate

Introduced by Rob Baigent PLNZ Chair &  Sarah Peldmanis Bolinda | Borrowbox

Proudly Sponsored by Bolinda | Borrowbox

     WAIATA - Tutira Mai  
10.30am   Networking & Refreshments  Coffee Kiosk Sponsored by CIVICA

LIANZA: Freedom to Read Toolkit
Libraries advocate for freedom to read and freedom of access to information. In Aotearoa New Zealand there have been recent and increasing challenges to library content and activities on topics that include sex education and Rainbow community issues. 

Guest Speaker: Louise LaHatteChair of the LIANZA Standing Committee on Freedom of Information.

Introduced by Rob Baigent, PLNZ Chair with Richy Misilei, President, LIANZA.

Join Louise and panel members as they share the background on the development of this fabulous toolkit!

11.30am   Round Table Discussion and Open Sharing: Delegates have an opportunity to discuss the topic and then share with colleagues.

    WAIATA - Hutia te Rito  

PLNZ support for Diversity & Inclusion
An interactive session of discussion, debate and action setting.

Introduced by Rob Baigent, PLNZ Chair & Bernie Hawke, PLNZ Executive Director
Facilitated by Rob & Bernie, this is a chance to continue the discussions begun online via the LISTSERV and recent webinar sessions.
Preserving Local History:  Community newspapers at risk of loss and decay have a more secure future.

Guest Speakers: Jane Hill, former Manager, Wellington City Libraries, GM City Communities, and Acting COO and Andy Fenton, Chair - The Preserving Local History and Education Trust.

Introduced by Rob Baigent, PLNZ Chair

Jane and Andy outline the new initiative between the National Library of New Zealand and The Preserving Local History and Education Trust.
1.00pm   KAI: Lunch & Networking  
2.00pm   [Sponsorship] Advertorial SOLUS  

Strategic Topic: Māori data governance and Māori data sovereignty

Guest Speaker: Ernestynne Walsh, Nicholson Consulting

Introduced by Dany Miller-Kareko, Lead and Coach, Manurewa Papakura Franklin, Connected Communities, Auckland Council.

Proudly Sponsored by: SOLUS

     WAIATA - Purea Nei  

Strategic Topic: Wellbeing Data & Wellbeing Outcomes Project 

Bernie Hawke,
Executive Director, PLNZ with
Guest Speaker: Kate Macnaught 

Introduced by Joann Ransom, Head of Neighbourhood Hub & Library Services, Hutt City Council | PLNZ Chair-elect

     WAIATA - Maku ra pea  
3.15pm   Networking and Refreshments Afternoon Tea Sponsored by Monitor BM
Coffee Kiosk sponsored by CIVICA

Senior Managers' Panel Discussion: New Library Builds & Renovations
What can we learn from those managers who recently opened or are currently planning Library builds. How have they dealt with challenges and ideas from architects to the community?

Introduced by Rob Baigent, Matihiko/Digital and Communication Manager, Hamilton City Libraries | PLNZ Chair

Join Rob and Panel members as they share their libraries journeys into new or refreshed spaces

Panel: Cath Sheard, (Libraries and Cultural Services Manager, South Taranaki District Library), Ian Littleworth, (Manager Future Libraries, Kāpiti District Council), Jill Watson, (Library Manager, Ashburton District Council), Joann Ransom, (Head of Neighbourhood Hubs & Library Services, Hutt City Council), Nicola Saunders (Library Manager, Napier Libraries)

4.30pm   Libraries change lives [Bolinda Advertorial]  
4.40pm   Day one close  
5.30pm   Pre-Dinner drinks

Pipitea Marae - Ticketed event.

6.00pm   Wheelers Delegates Dinner at Pipitea Marae
Join PLNZ and our sponsors for a gala dinner.
 9.00pm    Approx. Finish  


Date/Time    Session   Content
08.30am   Registration/Coffee/Networking
08.55am   [SPONSOR] Advertorial   

PLNZ Chair's Update & welcome to Chair Elect Rob Baigent with Joann Ransom

Strategic Topic: The Values Trust & Little Libraries 
Guest Speaker: Tesh Randall, Director and Founder, the Values Trust.

Introduced by: Glenn Davidson, Libraries Outreach Services Team Leader, Whangarei District Libraries.

     WAIATA - Tai Aroha  

Strategic Topic: The Power of Fiction
Guest Speaker: Mandy Hager, Children's/Youth Author

Introduced by: Mallory Mattmuller, Library Systems Administrator, Porirua City Libraries

     WAIATA - E hara i te mea  
10.25am    Networking & Refreshments  Coffee Kiosk sponsored by CIVICA

Strategic Topic: Tūmatakahuki te Tāngata Bringing People Together Project, panel discussion
Guest Speakers: Carla Jeffrey, Principal Advisor, TTM Consultancy with Tangimeriana Rua & Lois Haddon PLNZ Advisory Group

Introduced by: Joannn RansomHead Of Neighbourhood Hubs & Library Services, Hutt City Council 

11.25am   Round Table Discussion & Open Sharing: Delegates have an opportunity to discuss the topic and then share with colleagues.

Facilitated by: Carla with Tangimeriana and Lois

Strategic Topic: Dementia Friendly Libraries
Guest Speakers: Dr Meg Spriggs with Glenn Webster, District Libraries Manager, Marlborough District Libraries.

Introduced by: Chris Hay, Manager Tūranga, Christchurch City Libraries

12.15pm   Round Table Discussion & Open Sharing: Delegates have an opportunity to discuss the topic and then share with colleagues.

Facilitated by: Meg with Chris
     WAIATA - Toia Mai te Waka Nei  
12.35pm   Networking & Lunch

National Library Presentation:
Guest Speakers: Rachel EssonDirector of the National Library New Zealand with Mark Crookston, Manager, Content and Collections

Introduced by Julianne WilkinsonDirector, Te Aka Mauri

     WAIATA - E Minaka Ana  

Local Government New Zealand: The Public Libraries landscape in Aotearoa
Guest Speaker: Marion Read, LGNZ Libraries advisor

Introduced by Julianne WilkinsonDirector, Te Aka Mauri


Strategic Topic: PLNZ/MSD Partnership Project
Guest Speakers: Kal Marsden, Key Account Manager Corporate within the Industry Partnerships team, Ministry of Social Development & Jess Hallam, PLNZ Working Group representative.

Introduced by Bernie Hawke, PLNZ Executive Director

Kal along with the MSD working group will outline the collaborative partnership and how MSD and Public Libraries are looking to work together in the near future.

Stand up Regional Reports: Regional Reps: Glenn Davidson (Northland), Dany Miller-Kareko (Auckland),
Julianne Wilkinson (Waikato/Bay of Plenty), Lois Haddon (Central North Island), Mallory Mattmuller (Wellington, Wairarapa),
Chris Hay (Upper South Island), and Anne-Maree Wigley (Lower South Island)

Introduced by Judy Ryder, Tauranga City Libraries & PLNZ Treasurer

Always a highlight of the National Forum's programme. Get the news from around the regions and celebrate our mahi!

Last words & Closing Karakia

Bernie Hawke and Rob Baigent will close the forum with final words of farewell.
4.00pm   Close

Note: This programmme was accurate at the time of publication and may be subject to unforeseen changes.


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